Crystal Ball 2020 Hackathon Challenge
The Crystal Ball 2020 hackathon is a unique opportunity for students across India to showcase their skills & ideas on intriguing problem statements defined by Blue Yonder.
The winning teams will have the opportunity to present their ideas/solutions to an expert panel at the annual Blue Yonder Crystal Ball 2020.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, this event will be held completely online.
If you think you can solve and innovate around some of the most cutting edge problems in the field of supply chain software, go ahead and apply to any of the below Hackathons.
The winning teams will have the opportunity to present their ideas/solutions to an expert panel at the annual Blue Yonder Crystal Ball 2020.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, this event will be held completely online.
If you think you can solve and innovate around some of the most cutting edge problems in the field of supply chain software, go ahead and apply to any of the below Hackathons.
15 teams enrolled2 hackathons available
2 Hackathons found
Certified by

Using Data Available from Restaurants, Predict the Only Order Delivery Time Based on certain Factors
Data Science
Using the accuracy metric MAPE, use any supervised machine learning algorithm including neural networks to predict the delivery time based on past data of online food delivery orders
Certified by

Certified by

Using the Historical Sales Data Available for Different Stores, Predict the Department-Wide Weekly Sales for Each Store Along With the Delivery Time and Accuracy
Data Science
Using the accuracy metric SMAPE, find out the most important feature among store sales data in predicting future sales data for different stores based on historical data provided
Certified by